2 New instances Moloch and Magical Forest
More Zeus
Buff for the Player that starts the gorgon waves
New Stalls
Please see below our latest update to Next Island. As always, should you come across any bugs/issues as a result of this update, please make a report in the Bug Report category of the forum. Be sure to include as much information and relevant screenshots as possible.
We hope you enjoy this update and I look forward to seeing you in-game :blush:
New Content
A new series of instances with a new creature are available, located near Troy, in Ancient Greece. In order to unlock them, players will need to begin at the Haruspex Elder located at Tanzanite View.
A new quest and instance involving the new Ghostly Screechers and the Pyramid.
There is now a reward buff for players who commit the sweat to start a Gorgon or Gorgon’s Shade wave. We thank you for your initiative and dedication.
As requested, more Zeus’ have been added to various locations around Ancient Greece. Enjoy battling the gods!
Several new stalls have been added for sale at Crystal Peak, both at the top and down near the base of the large tree
Fixed Issues
Gorgon Arm Guards that had the incorrect weight have been adjusted to a proper degree
Spawn density for various creatures has been increased
Some quests dialogues have been adjusted and corrected
Some particle effects and graphical issues have been resolved
Socrates, NI Community Manager and Dev.