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17.12 VU and patch notes

30 Nov 2021


-A new Loyalist V.I.P. house
-The crafting daily will offer new BPs as rewards, 5 clicks each
-The PVP area in Ancient Greece has been reworked
-The centaur hunting area east of the Gorgon Wave has been reworked
-Micro-estates have been added to the Shepherd’s beach area
-All AG Hero estates now have a service center
-A small gift for a certain Cat has been created

A new Loyalist V.I.P. house, located near the First-Wave Settlement TP. Speak to the NPC just outside to check if you’re worthy of entering or if you will need to explore more of Next Island first. Two new daily missions are available inside. Hunting and Crafting.
The crafting daily will offer new BPs as rewards, 5 clicks each
The PVP area in Ancient Greece has been reworked to be more conducive to both pvpers and miners
The centaur hunting area east of the Gorgon Wave has been reworked to be more conducive to hunters
Micro-estates have been added to the Shepherd’s beach area, and will be on the in game auction soon
All AG Hero estates now have a service center
A small gift for a certain Cat has been created
Corrections and Fixes

Some damage types have been adjusted on certain creatures
Spawn density for many of the mission related creatures has been increased
PVP has been removed from the ruins region
Loot has been adjusted, adding some much needed items to the system on NI/AG. This includes a variety of Mindforce loots
Ore drops have been removed from Molochs
A storage has been added to the Magical Forest Instance

As always, if something below is not correct, or you encounter any other bugs or issues - please report them either here, the NI Discord or directly to myself. We always hope for a smooth update and hope that these fixes/changes will be beneficial to you. Enjoy!

Trees fixed on Agamemnion Hero Estate
Shepherd’s Beach Micro Estate Deed spelling mistake has been corrected
Increased Sand Boar, Boars and Chimera spawn density.
Added additional Sand Boar spawn areas
Made Tables on Shepherd’s Beach estates to be crafting terminals.
Made AG PVP4 Zone visible on map by default
Incision plates are now not designated as a Rare item
Advanced Sinew spelling mistake fixed
Radius of Mission-required Exclusion Zone around VIP Loyalist House has been reduced slightly
Fixed refinement process for the different Neoweave items needed to create upgraded Incision plates.

Socrates, NI Community Manager and Dev.

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